If you've been following along for a while now, you'll remember Ella's soft pink and gold toddler room from last spring! I am excited to share an update of Ella's room, with the main change being her big girl bed. I wanted to show you how little has really changed in the room, and that creating the right space when your little one is a baby or toddler really can last for years to come, with very minor changes.
Ella's canopy was originally used to create a corner for her to read and play in (below left). As toddlers grow, it's fun to make changes to inspire and invite play; this is as simple as putting the canopy over her bed for now and it can easily be changed back on a whim. The little dollhouse was added as a fun place to play right at Ella's height.
The other side of the room hasn't changed at all, with the dresser still working well and the dress up corner still being used.
I still get so many questions about where to find items from Ella's room, so I thought I would link as many of possible for you here. If there is something I've missed, or if you have any other questions or comments, I'd love to hear them below!
01.// Wire daybed; 02.// Duvet cover; 03.// Gold mirror; 04.// Angel wings; 05.// Ella pillow; 06.// Wood dollhouse; 07.// Gold decals; 08.// Step stool; 09.// Star cushion; 10.// Powder canopy; 11.// Toy basket; 12. // White dresser (similar).